I like it. Please work on making the font stand out more (use different font, color variation) Thank you in advance for any other submissions and refinement. I like 99 and 101 with the design to the left of the company name (to be centered over another). I also like the font style on 128, please put a design to the left. I like your design too, it is unique. Thank you again.
I like 218! What about bringing the letters in Group just a little bit closer together? Also, try a design with leaving the color of Cirrus the same but changing the color of Group to the darker blue color contained in the top of the circle design?
I like 218! What about bringing the letters in Group just a little bit closer together? Also, try a design with leaving the color of Cirrus the same but changing the color of Group to the darker blue color contained in the top of the circle design?
One final suggestion: please decrease the distance between the whispy white flowing designs in the circle. Just a little decrease. Just want to see what it looks like.