Congratulations Nymalba! in being selected as one of the five finalists for Circle to Circle. You were selected based upon you the effort you put forward, the quality and creativity of your designs, and most importantly, your willingness to listen to and work with our feedback.
As you move into this next phase, we wanted to be clear about what it is that we are seeking to do in order to help you improve upon your designs.
We are the stewards of a new body of knowledge that teaches and encourages people to see that they are energetic beings being human. You yourself may have read articles or books which put forth the premise that everything in the Universe is energy that under natural circumstances can form material things, such as planets, animals, and even humans, etc. As we have grown up, this premise has not been at the forefront of the teaching in our schools or communities.
This body of information is unlike any offered during this time. Based on the underlying truth that Everything is Energy, it’s wisdom, when practiced, leads to growth, healing and a deepening experience of conection. It is practical, inspirational and a complete representation of what is natural. It is not considered new age or religious. The easiest way to think of it is as a course of learning people can undertake in order to create growth, healing and an opening sense of possibility in their lives.
Only a handful of people know this material at this time, so Circle to Circle has been formed to create circles of learning, be they a single person engaged in the material or groups of individuals, organizations or companies studying and practicing its wisdom. The more people who touch this work, the more there is possibility to bring about a new understanding of the way that life works naturally.
The logos you have created to date are the expression of this work.
The designs that you have created that we feel best reflect our work are #359 and 182/330. In # 359, we like the soft feminine touch you have given the design. It is very warm, nourishing and inviting. This is a powerful combination. The colors are perhaps a little too light as the logo is difficult to feel fully on a computer screen. Please try and make it a little bolder. Also the type is a little crammed together and it is also too small in relation to the graphic. Try and find a balance. You can try other rounded fonts as well.
On numbers 182 and 330. What we like about 182 is a sense of energy and movement that 330 lost. Perhaps something in the middle. Perhaps the green color should travel a little further into the blue to signify a stronger relationship. Please try some other fonts as well.
Also, if you feel the description above leads you in a brand new direction, then by all means we are open to exploring it with you.
If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them. We ask you to follow your intuition and create from your heart. We thank you for all of the hard work you have put forward thus far.