Hello ebonk. We like #7 a lot, but the doctors name needs to be much larger. Perhaps you can move the name to the top and make larger or move the 'smile' to the right and have it go from 's' to 's' instead of 'i' to 'i'. Or you can come up with your own ideas. Can you create a few new versions. Thanks
Great. The doctor's name still needs to be larger. Can you do a version of #91 #92 #95 with the 's' in smiles lowercase, and then make the name font larger so it reaches to the 'L' in smile? thanks.
Hi ebonk, Can you create a few more versions of #101? We need the doctor's name to stand out more. One version with the 's' in smiles capitalized and drop shadow on the doctors name. One version with the 's' in smiles capitalized and the doctors name at the bottom and behind the smile line. I realized the text and the smile line with conflicted but please try to make it work and clean as you can. thanks.