Thank you for your design, however I feel like the font used is too big and the font on the initials does not tie in with the overall logo. Would like to see something a little different, And prefer not to have 3 slogans. Preference is Signature Style. Real Results. OR Signature Style only.
I LIke where you are going with this design but I am not crazy about the intials- the look of it and the font used. I would also like to see the font used in my name a little smaller and the letters all the same size. Could you also make a revised version using black white and teal. Thank you!
#43 I llike the overall look with the Name and Logo font size looks better but I feel like I would like to see a different font. I already have alot of that same font being used in other designs. Still not crazy abut the initials, the look, the size the square box. Any chance you could completely eliminate the box, change up the font on the name and maybe do some kind of logo that appears behind the name. Even if it is not the initials, maybe just an abstract layer so the name and logo can sit on top of it. Just a thought.