in 90 and 91 i came up with the design keeping the color images that are formed in a toy sold in india. Its filled with bangle pieces each time we click the button new image is formed.
let me know what you think of the designs any if you need any modifications
@90, 91, so I failed to see your comment about the changing logo(bangle pieces) when it is clicked on...sorry, anyway you can repost so I can check it out? Also, I like 23 I just don't see how that will work for embossing or matching for a website, business cards...etc anyway to soften of change colors, ??
@104 and similar, i don't want you to think I don't like these I just cant see myself using them for photos... If my business were solely taking pictures of cars I would use, a similar logo, very masculine. I need something to work for all my clients, families, weddings, travel, cars...
ok ...i have the emboss version of 23 ready but only designers ranked 1 to 5 can upload during current mode. if you can change my rank for few minutes i can upload my designs... as i am online now.
like the new styles, #180 is a little hard to read, like the flower though! gosh I'm such a girlie girl... just saw your message about being in the top #5 rank, sorry I didn't see it sooner...
tht msg was before now contest is again in open mode hence anyone can don't need to put me in top 5 to upload any designs as its open to all....but do tell me if u like any of the new designs