Christian VergierLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Christian Vergier

Christian Vergier has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 98 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.














Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Hi There,

Here is my take on your project... Inspiration: simple, clean, modern yet traditional, minimal, hand-drawn, crest...

Here is a look at how the label might look with some of the idea you had in mind (had to upload a direct link - you can't see the subtle details of a foil stamp or emboss on this website)...

Thanks for your time.
11 years ago
Dear Mogeek
You've got the concept, and I like the signature very much.
The crest is not quite right - is it possible to go back to the original photo rather than looking at the other entries? A little bit of hand-drawn irregularity on the stars would be attractive.
Having the signature on top of the initials C V is confusing, so I think it would be better to put the signature below. However I see that this idea does work very well in your png link. The dark brown looks a bit plain - could you make it more chic with a richer colour (with a little bit of red/burgundy in it (not too much please!)
Thank you!
11 years ago
Dear Mogeek,
I keep coming back to your entry 9 ... its very good.
We really like the little bunch of grapes at the bottom. and the signature is brilliant.
Would it be possible to try 2 things?
Firstly to redesign the top of the crest – our original idea was to make it like bunches of grapes? See “idea for wine label 4” and “idea for wine label 2”, but as you’ve already got a nice grape idea at the bottom, that might not work. Can you think of a way of making it work?
The second thing was to lighten up the C and V capitals behind the signature?
I hope that is OK to leave these comments – thank you again for your work.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi There,

Thanks for the feedback/direction.

I've put together another option here, please see the direct link below for more information, higher resolution shots, alternates, typeface pairing suggestion, etc... (Sorry, just no way to show this stuff properly due to the size limitations of the upload system here.)

I've kept the grapes + vine leaves at the bottom, while reworking the whole top piece to incorporate the same linework style of vines/leaves directly into the shape of the crest. I loved the crown element in the original, so I've worked it back into this new option.

So overall you have a simple, hand drawn modern (yet rustic/classic) crest that throws a nod to your region via the local coat of arms elements incorporated, the crown element, leafy vine elements creating & interweaving throughout to makeup the shape of the crest, finished off with the grapes/leaves at the bottom of the piece with the brand initials.

I've also taken into consideration the placement of the "C + V" within the crest in relation to the logo script. As you'll notice it now will sit directly over the crest & only obstruct the view of some of the stars when placed over the top. I've also provided an alternate or shortform variation that could be used for the neck, top, or cork area of the bottle.

Disclaimer: This isn't a label design contest so the mockup I've put together is simply trying to convey some of what your initial thoughts were & to show how each piece of the design system would work together (script, crest, alternate shortform mark).

Thanks again for your time.
11 years ago
Dear Mogeek,
It looks like you've done wine projects before!
(I can well imagine size limitations on the system, but isn't it also to protect your work?)
I need to catch up with Christian (I think he's en route to Guadeloupe at the moment) but he'll call as soon as he gets access to internet.
Thanks very much - that's great!
11 years ago
Dear Mogeek,
I just wanted to say that I'm really really sorry you didn't win, but also thank you very much for your participation, your hard work and for your ideas.
These competitions are unbelievably hard and I am very admiring of all you designers who take part.
I absolutely loved the signature that you did (for me it had real character and power), but we felt that the crest wasn't quite right for the brand.
I wish you all the best in your future work!
Thank you again,
Alice and Christian
11 years ago
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