Do you have any other ideas for me? I like your aesthetic. I’m worried this may feel to feminine. I would like to incorporate a feeling of
- peace
- healing
- colors I like, indigo/purple, turquoise and colors above
I really like your aesthetic. Can you look at my pinterest page for some color variations? I am looking for
- concentric circle motif
- watercolor feel
- can be multi colored
- colors I like ... aubergine, deep magenta, deep turquoise, salmon
- this is beautiful though
Comment Activity
- peace
- healing
- colors I like, indigo/purple, turquoise and colors above
Please check revisions.
- Can you do this in the green from #76?
- can you do it in some deeper purples?
- concentric circle motif
- watercolor feel
- can be multi colored
- colors I like ... aubergine, deep magenta, deep turquoise, salmon
- this is beautiful though