Hi, I hope these entries might suit your company. I tried to imply the synergy and transfer of people/ideas/culture etc, in the two planes crossing paths like arrows transferring info back and forth. I may try to emphasize the arrow aspect more? Try to find the right balance of an obvious plane that also look like arrows. I also tried to show the commonalities the two nations share by focusing on the one star in each plane. Obviously stars are a huge symbol for the US and China's flag also has a star as the focal point. I thought it was a nice tie in that both nations could share this symbol together. These logos are bright and colorful, yet professional. I hope this is on the right track! Thanks for your consideration. W
We appreciate your work and your comments! You have some very good ideas. Horizontal layouts will fit into intended spaces best. However, we do not want to limit possibilities. Both of your layouts have appeal. Any stylistic improvements you can make to either or both will be appreciated. We realize that the wordiness of our tag line, and our need to include it, could be limiting to some extent. As minor considerations, there could be some experimentation with type styles and a deeper blue. Thanks for all that you are doing to help us.