The globe in entry #8 is very creative and attractive. It symbolizes synergy in a modern, effective way. We need to get the aviation message across with some impact. Can you play a bit more with the airplane symbol? Thanks for your good work.
Hello! Thank you so much for your feedback. Here is my update - #9, I made the plane icon bigger to emphasize it more. Please let me know what you think.
Thanks Lloyd. The larger airplane definitely helps. Please apply that logo to your layout with the smaller globe to the left of the company name. It will help to see if it has enough impact if reduced in size. We appreciate your help. Thanks, Skip
Thanks Lloyd. Your globe is an attractive, creative element. It seems to work well enough with the horizontal layout, which is what we might have to use in most cases. We need to be able to make the "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM" message more readable. Basically, we need to get the aviation point across strongly. What do you think about using a bold type that will lengthen the company name and make more room below for a longer, bolder tag below? This may be sufficient in itself. However, as an added dimension, please see if anything can be done with a border of some type around the horizontal version. Would this make the logo more integrated and substantial? Your help is appreciated. Thanks, Skip
Thanks Lloyd. I knew that the border effort would be a stretch. Let's not worry about going in that direction. I realize that it is late in the Philippines. Thanks for all you have done. If we come up with other thoughts on improvements, I will let you know. We appreciate your help. Skip
You are very much welcome Skip! It's 1:16am now here but will staying up late to make designs for another 3 hours, hehe. Just let me know if there are any revisions.
Thanks Lloyd. I do not want to keep you up. You have been very good to make changes late in the night. In the morning, here are a few adjustments that you might be able to make. To bring more attention to "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM", which is important, it might help to use bold type. It still seems that the type for the company name could be changed to give more length to the horizontal version and thus more space for the copy below. As an added thought, it would be worth considering the addition of a line below all the copy. I will leave it to you to determine what might be best. Get a good rest, and think about improvements when you can tomorrow. Thanks again. Skip
Hi Lloyd....We appreciate your help very much, and are impressed with your work. Aesthetically, as mentioned before, your globe is very attractive. We like your globe very much, but are struggling a bit with the fact that the airplane might be too small to give us instant recognition that our company specialty is aviation. Do you have any thoughts? Thanks for anything you might be able to do. Skip
Hello Skip! I have edited and made the plane bigger - #48, #49 , I think it's very visible now, This is supposed to be my approach to your logo , but I think with #48, #49 , the viewer can now clearly see the plane. #49 - I added a little shadow to emphasize the plane.
Hi Lloyd....Can you provide a darker red and a darker blue? For the "CHINA-USA, LLC" line, are there other fonts that you might consider? We appreciate your help very much. Skip
Hi Lloyd....It is very late at night for you, so hopefully you wait to review or respond to this request in the morning. We will keep you in the first position to permit you to do so. We are wrestling with a need to try to make our tag line, "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM", more noticeable. If you have any thoughts, please let me know. We appreciate your help very much. Thanks, Skip
Hello Skip! Thanks for the feedback! I'm still up, I'm just wrapping up some projects for one of my clients. Anyways, here are my updates - #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77 . Hope you will find what you are looking for, if not please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thanks Lloyd. I appreciate all your ideas, and will be able to look at all with other later today. You are creative and industrious to be sure. I was hoping that you would get some rest, but thank you for your quick reply. We appreciate your help. Skip
You have done outstanding, creative work, and have been very responsive to our requests. You have proven yourself to be an excellent designer. I like your globe very much as you know, and thank you for all your variations. I have enjoyed working with you very much. For all these reasons, I am saddened that your team has selected the logo with the tail of an airplane, which was submitted by another designer from the Philippines. I was born in the Philippines, and lived there through the Eighth Grade. I have very fond memories of in San Juan (Manila), and am pleased that the two performers who were the best by far were from the Philippines.
Since you are so capable and so responsive, I would like to know if Logo Tournament will permit you to work on non-logo assignments for us after our logo has been processed and approved through their system, which I value and respect. If that will be possible from their standpoint and from your standpoint, it would be nice to know. We do not have any projects at the moment, but will have needs for help from an artist from time to time.
Again, thank you so much for all your outstanding work. I have appreciated our exchanges and all you have done for us. Please let me know if it will be possible your you to help us in other ways in the future.
Hello Skip! WOooah! Glad to hear you were born from the Philippines! Too many things happening in here now, you might want to watch the news. :)
Anyways, regarding the logo, thanks for the heads up! The winning designer who designed the tail concept is my friend, a very talented designer and I think very deserving to win it. :)
Regarding future projects, yes, once the contest is done, feel free to email me at, will be more than willing to offer my skills.