Entry #1 Is on the right lines here. However, the feeling is that the text could be a little on the round side. Maybe the C and the S squared off more could give it more punch?? Not an expert here guys, but have an idea what we could be looking for. Possibly a little more separation of the two C's??? The Orange and Blue combination seems to work well. Please note guys, that there are two partners judging, and communicating in relation to your designs. One in the UK, and the other in China. Please allow us a little time for the rankings, as the UK partner is currently traveling back to the UK from China. Good luck everyone, and we thank you all for your valued input into the contest. Best wishes from CCIS.
Hello Hardih. You are welcome. Personally, I think you are on the right lines here. By the way, this is the UK partner, who is due to travel back shortly. I see from #7 that you have established a division between the two C's. This is important to have all four letters established. In relation to the lettering. Maybe more squared fonts, providing corners to the lettering??? And possibly, maybe more depth and thickness??? Just an idea. As I said earlier, we are not experts in these type of matters, but know that we are looking for Impact, bold, and punchy. The building Idea is good. It portrays something of what we are about, and the heights we want to achieve. Maybe the worlds present largest building in Shanghai could be good?? ;-) Not sure if possible though. Have a great evening, and enjoy the contest. Wish you all the luck. Will check out progress when I arrive back in UK, and managed to catch up with my partner. SK
Hi There! I made the changes according to your suggestion. I seperate the two c's and make it bold as you requested. I change the building to Shanghai's Tallest Building. Any feedback will be appreciated.
Hello Hardih. Now back in the UK, and as you can see, my partner has been ranking your work. Personally I also quite like both, but was wondering if you could try a few blocky fonts on both of your entries, similar square finishes to that of #29. Would also be interested to see how this would work with #1 style Logo?? Best wishes. SK
Hardih. Is it possible to also make bolder size such as no 4 Ranking at present, and also have the wording formatted so it falls within the size of the Logo? Possibly using 2 lines underneath like other contestants? Regards. SK
Hi. The last 2 you entered are very good. Particularly like the rendering effect of the building and lettering, also the letter style is good. Just a thought, but don't know if it would work? Wonder if a rising sun in the background could be effective??? Sun rising in the East, and also portrays the rising business, and moving high to the west. Just a thought, but not sure if it would work, and if would look too busy? Best wishes. SK
Hi there, I tried to incorporate the sun element into the logo but I think it makes the logo too crowded. On entry #46 the building on letter "I" represent the sun shine in the morning. I guess the sun element has been there without drawing the sun.
A solid 2 colors logo as requested, no gradation or mirror effects just pure solid logo. It will be good on your printing material especially if you are planning to make labels/sticker to put on your products.