Could you reproduce #9 with gray mountains and neon green "Chill Puck" outlined very thin in gray - and if it's legible, the slogan in gray (black if gray doesn't work). Lastly, can you make the "Chill Puck" larger so it takes up more of the logo in general?
Thanks for the quick updates. Can you change the font in #15 to Verdana for the chill puck and slogan (all Caps). Also, try two new versions. One where the Chill Puck is off center to the right and another where it is higher up the mountain? In both new versions, don't change the mountain.
Looks great. Can you make a couple changes to #20? Remove the ".." from the end, make the "cold" underline green, and make the Chill Puck font bigger so it takes up more of the mountains (leave the mountains the same size and make the chill puck font bigger).
#20 and #52 are really good. Do you have any other ideas without mountains? Maybe just a circle for a puck or something else? We have so many mountain designs they are starting to blend together.