What we like: Love the creativity and simplicity of this! This will be easy to print b/w and in color and we love the colors you chose!
What we don't like: You may have already tried this, but would it be possible to bolden "Safaris" (but keep it italicized)? We're wondering if that gets lost a little. Maybe what you did looks better; it's just a question we have.
We are taking this concept as 1 idea, so don't let the ranking tell you we like 1 color over another; they're all equal in our opinion! We sometimes wear safari hats (I'll try to post a photo somewhere); we're wondering if you have any ideas of creating a logo with that idea?
Thanks for your ideas and comments. I made the changes you requested and also included a concept with the safari hat. What do you think? [ Uploaded files - #27 , #28 , #29 , #30 , #31 , #32 , #33 , #34 , #35 ]
We like the bolder "Safaris" in 27, but not as bold as 28.
For the camera with the hat, we like the camera better in all of them except 35 because we feel the thin line for the lens would get lost many times. Also, we like the brown as a background, but are not huge fans of it mixed with the black. Also, you did a great job capturing the hat! We're still split on how well these would appear on embroidered shirts, but we're discussing it.
Would it be possible to submit some more ideas with the following in mind:
-Could you create an image with a silhouette of the jeep from the side instead of the front/back using a plain, white background and potentially another adding some color into the design (not background)? -Can you supply 27 & 19 with a plain, white background?
Made the changes you requested. #83 for #27 and #90 for #19 with a plain, white background. Also new Concepts #85 , #86 , #87 , #88 , #89 , #95 , #96 , #97 , #98. Thanks!
Wow! We love your new submissions! Would it be possible to submit a couple using the following comments: -In the side jeep views, could you make the front part of the jeep more squared off like the top left corner of the side view of the jeep? -In the side jeep views, could you try one with a tire on the back of the jeep? -In the side jeep views, could you shrink the tire size a little (not a ton; just a small amount)? -In the side jeep views, can you increase the thickness of the dots/line for the axle in the wheel? We feel that your original design will work great for print and other media, but embroidery will lose this detail.
For #99/86, could you decrease the jeep size a little?
On 98/95, we love the scale and weight, however, do not like the overlapping of the letters. Is it possible to get this same feel without overlapping the letters? Also, one of our judges asked if it might be possible to place "Photo" and "Safaris" on the same line, below "Chicago" for this design.
We really like the colors you chose - we like 2 different greens depending on which design it is, and the natural tans you used. The only colors we weren't a huge fan of were the lines in 89 & 88.
Also, some of the judges prefer the lighter line (ex: 83, 89, etc.) vs the thicker line (ex: 99).
Again, we REALLY love your submissions!!!! Thank you so much for all of your work on this!!
Thanks, theranga! We like the side view of the jeep a ton better with the changes you made!
We like the ones with the jeep smaller than the entire area for it (ie 109, 113, etc. We like the jeep with the tire on the back vs without We like the smaller wheels you created better than the original large ones
We are going to talk more about these during the next couple of days. Thanks again!!
Ok, we're getting close! Can we ask for a couple more changes? (We are really close!)
#90: -Is it possible to increase the height of the tail lights (we think this will make them stand out more in embroidery) -Make "Safaris" the same thickness that you have it in #83
#108: 1) Could you add a tire to this design? 2) Could you remove the rack on top (so just the tire is added) for one? 3) Could you remove the rack and tire for one? 4) Could you remove the top of the jeep entirely to make an open jeep (so just the frames and front windshield exist) with the tire?
We were also wondering for the side view of the jeep what it might look like if the jeep is going up a hill or mountain? Maybe the line could go up to an angle? We don't know what the words would change to... we know you can come up with something good!!
Thanks for comments. Requested Changes are done. But that you told like jeep going up a hill is bit difficult to change. Because that will not match on my current logo (jeep) style.
Thanks, theranga! Thanks for the updates! Here is what we are currently thinking:
Back of Jeep: We still really like the back of the jeep idea because it looks modern, clean, and gives the idea of a safari without being extremely literal about it. We like the higher contrast in the wheel in #90 over the newer ones you submitted (both listed as #1 due to site issue). The top left portion of the wheel in #90 is easier to decipher in our opinions due to the contrast. We also like your heightened tail lights better because we feel this would appear better in smaller reprints and embroidery. We're still concerned that this embroidered may not turn out as well as others, but confidence is growing in this area. We also like the addition of the tag line, however, it's not fans of the highlighted text for this. If the tire from #90 can be placed on the newer submissions, then those will be our favorites. Also, would it be possible to produce a color version of this where the lettering and horizon line matches #108 and the jeep is the green of "Photo"?
Side of Jeep: We really like your designs on this but in comparison to other entries, it still has a little of a cartoonish feel. Squaring off the front and decreasing the size of the wheels really helped with this, but it's still more of a fun feel (which is one of the ideas we want to convey in the logo, but this one MAY make the company not seem as professional). Again, these are just thoughts floating around in our heads.We really love the scale and color versions you created and appreciate the simplicity to bring to design. We'll be meeting again during the next few days, of course, but we wanted to share what we're currently thinking just in case that inspires any other ideas / changes to what you've created. Again, we love everything you've given to us. Thank you so much!
Definitely please let us know if you have any questions or if we are not clear on anything.
Tharanga, we want to thank you again for all of your submissions! Yours was one of our favorites all along, but when we asked for feedback from our customers, they liked some of the other images more. Also, we have a foundation layer to our organization and we try to emphasize being green / environmental issues. It occurred to us that when trying to use this image in that arena, we may appear to contradict our messages. But we do want to thank you so much for putting forth your ideas and submissions. Maybe we can work together in the future.