We love the creativity!!!! It took us a second to take in everything you did with this; great job! Would it be possible to make a few changes: - Can we change the color used to more of a tan color (less green)? - Can we see a version with "Photo Safaris" on a line below "Chicago"? (Maybe both left justified?) This would also move the line below the text to only below "Photo Safaris". - We're wondering if it might be beneficial to try another font? We love this font, but are not sure it totally flows with the image you created... just wondering...
I really appreciate your input and suggestions on this concept. Well, looking at all existing entries, I thought I should go with another unique concept that hasn't been done before. So, I came up with this pictorial that also stand as letter forms "CPS" for Chicago Photo Safaris.
I hope I did made the right revisions on this entry #106. I'll be waiting for your further input on this one. Thank you.
Thanks for the edit! We actually prefer your original to the revised version because we like to highlight the "Photo Safaris" portion more than the "Chicago" portion. We also really liked the underline you used in the original design. We love the idea of where you're going with this, but the hat seems a little feminine to us. Would it be possible to make the hat look more like the hats we use on safaris which you can view at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=196041&l=a34b8fd94a&id=97735893201? It seems like it's the C portion (the top) that really makes it look feminine. Any ideas on this?
We do like the size of the font to the hat in #106 better than the original. Would it be possible to take the original idea with that in mind? Somehow increase the text size and/or emphasize the text more?
Thanks again for your submissions! We really like the creativity!
Hey, Sunardi! Thanks for the additional submissions! We really like the hat better in these.
Would it be possible to right justify "Chicago" and place the hat to the left of and above "Chicago" (so none of it would fall on the "Photo Safaris" line? Also, could you submit this idea with (1) all capital letters like the for "Photo Safaris", (2) all mixed case (ie Photo Safaris), and (3) caps in "Photo" and "Safaris" in mixed case like your original?
Also, we like the line thicknesses for the hat in #146 better than #145 & #144. Were there any other differences between #144 & #145 besides the line thickness for the hat? Thanks!
#157: Can you remove the space between "Photo" and "Safaris"?
#156: Can you make "Photo Safaris" the same size font as "Chicago"? If needed, you can increase the letter/character tracking to fill the space from left to right as you see fit.
#155: Can you unbold "Photo Safaris"? Can you also create another 1 for 155 with the hat moved up and to the right a little? And put a little more space between each paragraph and the line below it? Again, you can adjust the character tracking, if needed to space out letters in order to align correctly to the left and right.
Overall, we really like your idea for this. Our favorite combination so far has been #161, but we would like to request a couple of edits because we still have some concerns with it. We like the hat better in #145 because the start & end of the C is cleaner. It comes to a finer point in #145 than exists in #161. Also, the lettering runs together in #161 and we feel makes it a little difficult to read it. Also, because the "Safaris" is in lower case, the dot above the "I" runs into the "Chicago" above it. And the line below "PHOTOSafaris" is too close to the wording, which assists in the cramped feel of the words.
We feel that #162 has potential to be our favorite, so would it be possible to make a few changes for us to review? For example, can we remove the space between "PHOTO SAFARIS" and bold "PHOTO"? Can we move the bottom line and tagline down a tad bit so it's not crowding "PHOTOSAFARIS"? And can we use the hat from #145 and move it to the right a little so it's closer to "Chicago" like exists in #161?
One thing that came up in our discussion today was that by having the hat arranged with the words like this, a person can think of a face, which has a frown on it formed by the underline. (We don't think anyone will identify this as an issue, but we also don't want to send any subconscious signals like unhappiness.) We LOVE the underline you created, so we're wondering if we could modify it a bit to take away that potential issue? Maybe flatten it a little more so it's not as pronounced? Or flip it the other way? Or move where it starts and ends? Or... other ideas you may have? Again, it's not a huge thing, but we wanted to let you know what we're thinking in case it produces any other ideas / modifications.
One final comment from our male judge is that he feels it's still a little feminine for him. He could get over this, but the other judge and I are wondering if many guys feel this way, or just him. The other judge and I love it. (Just another thing to know about, again, in case it inspires any modifications.)
So in summary, we love this idea! We just have a few tweaks to make the final comparison with our other favorites! Thanks again for your work on this! Please let us know if you have any questions or if I have been unclear anywhere. Thanks!
One of our judges asked me to send the following 2 questions to our finalists so we understand the flexibility of the designer once the award has been given out: - If you design is selected, are you willing to make changes we request for the final image and provide color and black and white images? - If we would like to work more with you in the future with this or other new images, how would you determine the charge(s)?
Thank you for considering me as one of your finalist. 1. Yes, it is our job to finish the final art until you're happy with the files including those color combos and some tweak changes as needed.
2. I usually charge a flat rate based on the project.
Hello, Sunardi! Your design has been very popular among our customers! It's been very interesting; it seems like people either LOVE your image, or HATE it. It's pretty impressive when you're able to come up with something that people feel so strongly! We decided after many many conversations about this, that we think Nong's design will better suite us. We will definitely keep you in mind for future design work, however! Thank you, again, for your submissions!