We love the creativity of this and the fact you explained why you designed it the way you did! We love the joining of photography with adventure and also love the incorporate of green that you used. A couple of things we're concerned might cause issues: (1) translating this to embroidery on a corporate shirt (we think details may not show up well and are unsure about how the color would appear and how this might appear in 1 color) and (2) feel the "Chicago" may overpower the "Photo Safaris". We are based out of Chicago, but take people on safaris around the world. These comments are of course only our first impressions, but we wanted to get them out there. Thanks for the great submission!
We originally ranked this as #1, but moved it down only because we don't believe this will be usable on shirts or in media with small reproductions due to the detail. Any ideas on simplifying it?
Things we like: Scale of this logo is excellent! Everything seems to flow very well together. We like this orange better than the first round because it stands out more. We like the simplifications you made.
Things we don't like: 1 judge still feels that Chicago is too prominent due to font size (but we understand why you did that for the scale, which works quite well). We're unsure of the green; we like the idea of green but are not sure about the mixture of this hue with the orange. Also, we're unsure about how the polaroid part will end up embroidered.
We would really like you to keep all of your designs up and if you have other ideas, we would love to see them! We really like the creative route you're taking and your font choices! Please let us know if you feel we are not communicating what we're looking for either through the sliders or our comments here. And thank you for these great designs!!
Would it be possible to make the following changes to #7:
-Make green of land/hill the same green that was in your original submission -Make sun solid line (not filled) or yellow or orange (sunset color) -Deemphasize "Chicago" - make smaller font size -Replace polaroids with another object that is silouetted, like a jeep, hiker, photographer, etc.
Thanks, misszu!! We like the color combination the best in #149 (blue, green, then orange). Could you put this on a plain, white background? Also, would it be possible to change the font to one wider?