What we like: Simple design, easy to reproduce in multiple media, will look good small and large, placement of Chicago, font for "Chicago", incorporate of skyline for local safaris
What we don't like: Font for "Photo Safaris", color of "Photo Safaris" (I know we mentioned we liked colors in previous submission, but in this design, we don't think orange is the best choice... maybe green or red?), not sure if it strongly represents the ideas of photography, adventure/fun, or education
These last 2 (#23 & #15) definitely add the photography concept!
What we like 15: Addition of photography concept, font, scale
What we don't like 15: The added viewfinder detail also might convey a shooting target idea and we don't like the vertical crosshair covering the O in photo and the C in Chicago
What we like 23: Addition of photography concept, font
What we don't like 23: This one may not look the best on business cards and letterhead and may not work the best printed in black and white
Thanks for your additional submissions! We really like the scale #26, but are not huge fans of the hat used. We know this is a safari hat for many people, but we usually use more of an Indiana Jones looking hat. Also, we were wondering what would happen if you changed the skyline to something like a mountain range line, or tree line, or an abstract line that would represent a skyline and mountains/trees/nature, if that might work? We know you are way better to decide if this could look good or not, but it was something that came up when we were talking, so we wanted to share. Also, one of our judges is not a huge fan of the lime green with the grass green (he tends to like red, deep green, and khaki hues).
We're finding that both 12 & 26 are popular with people, but feedback has been:
12: love the simplicity and layout, only represents Chicago; does not incorporate photography (enough), education, or adventure / fun
26: love the scale and incorporation of chicago alongside adventure / travel and photography, don't like the hat (like the idea of the hat, but not the current one used)
Does this feedback inspire any other ideas? Thanks again for all of your submissions! Again, these 2 have been popular among our users and staff. :)
Would it be possible to make the following changes to #12: -Smaller font -Make colors more earth-toned (hat is a little green/yellow for us, could you change to true khaki, lime green is too unnatural for us, and "safari" green has too much blue for us) -Change skyline into something like a skyline morphing into a mountain range or just a mountain range? We really like the underline from the skyline, but want to encompass a more global feel.
Can we see #59 with the following changes: -Remove lines from top of hat (not band lines, just the lines showing dimension to the hat on top) -Remove shadow behind/under lower brim -Replace color with more earth-toned colors (same color comments as above)
Would it be possible to make some of the following changes (100/91): -Move mountain range before skyline -Space "Photo Safaris" across entire left to right space similar to original submissions -Create 1 color version
#124: -Can you make the final mountain line less close to the skyline (so they don't appear like they're crossing and it's obvious the mountains are behind the skyline)? -Can you submit a couple with a different font for "PhotoSafaris"? We like this one, but we think it's not quite there yet. -Of your submissions, we like this color combo the best, but we also feel it's not quite there yet... we don't really have strong recommendations on combos to choose here, but we're wondering if you have other ideas?
Thanks for the additional submissions, doncorvair! We will be meeting over the next couple of days and let you know if we have any other requested modifications. Thanks, again!