Great work man. However I do have 3 comments :) First my client believe that purple is not that much eco and bio color, so can you pls show us some more alternatives? Second, leaf is beautiful idea, can you make it more visible, maybe make it inverse? because this gonna be also on packaging, so iit needs to be more visible. Third and last, if you can try to put some pictogram or maybe some word in front fo powerchia, like horse, runner (running) so that we can he how this could work in reality. Thanks a lot. Daniel
can you make clear about " Third and last, if you can try to put some pictogram or maybe some word in front fo powerchia, like horse, runner (running)"
Everything perfect man :) Can u show me some more example with 37? Make a bigger Chia in green color and put it under running power in blue, horse power in brown and active power in red. Can u make it? just to see some product lines in that ways, thanx a lot man. Daniel
Like in 2 lines. Chia itself slightly bigger in 1st line and in second down bellow just under running power. that would be the 1st logotype. I am not sure if I am clear enough :)
A will. Maybe it is about font. Or just put Running power BELLOW chia, it does not has to be sophisticated maybe the same font but smaller size. Or maybe more natural
A will. Maybe it is about font. Or just put Running power BELLOW chia, it does not has to be sophisticated maybe the same font but smaller size. Or maybe more natural
Hi last change :) Can u erase "running", so that we will have "general logo - chia power" chia biger and power under. And can u make it pls with small letters? thanks Daniel