Couple of changes
...on the left side of the building, the horizontal lines at the top of the wine bottle shape should be at the top of the building/tower
The guy/idiot needs to look more like a monk and less like Frankenstein.... Longer robe, white rope belt, and a jaw that is not so square
This one is ranked 1st
...but needs some (small) changes
Let's try moving the building to the left and the guy to the right...maybe we don't need the horizontal lines that represent the rows of grapes
Could the RIP on the cork screw "T"
be bigger?
The guy is a drawing from a family friend of a regular at a bar in NYC called the Village Idiot ...his nick name is Big Man and it is probably a self portrait
I like it....except he gets lost in the print
How about placing him on the right side of the building and have him holding a large wine glass? (instead of a beer mug)
I'm not good at character drawing, but this is I try, also It's Hard to place it into the design without ruins the overal feel of the Logo. This is the update I try on #66.
Sorry for the delay. My father passed away Saturday & I needed to put the tournament on hold for a few days. I have paid for a $100 upgrade to the contest.
Looking to add a little humor so I added a couple more attachments to the contest. Please check the cartoon of the guy with a big head. Perhaps something like him but dressed as a monk (or not) and holding a very large glass of wine?
In your logo I like the Chateau, the cork screw T, and the font used for screwinoff.
Thank you
Please to a look at the first pictute attachment (the three panel art)
...in the center panel is a cork and a cork screw that says "R.I.P."
Could we try adding that or maybe make that the entire logo?
Take a look at the first attachment
(the 3 panel painting)
Could we try a couple more elements from that painting....
simpler, grape plants, corkscrew....
Comment Activity
Thank you
I'll show my family
Thank you
move the 4 horizontal lines to the top of the bottle
Do you mean the horizontal line where the screw is, like this entry?
Perhaps the robe could be longer
Still need to move the horizontal lines to the top of the bottle
Do you mean like this entry?
Need to move the horizontal lines close to the top of the left tower
This is the update on #73.
Thank you so much
Couple of changes
...on the left side of the building, the horizontal lines at the top of the wine bottle shape should be at the top of the building/tower
The guy/idiot needs to look more like a monk and less like Frankenstein.... Longer robe, white rope belt, and a jaw that is not so square
This is the revision.
Thank so much
Let's try it with the cork screw handle a little bigger so you can read RIP
bigger eyes on the village idiot
This is the revision
Thank you so much
...but needs some (small) changes
Let's try moving the building to the left and the guy to the right...maybe we don't need the horizontal lines that represent the rows of grapes
Could the RIP on the cork screw "T"
be bigger?
The guy is a drawing from a family friend of a regular at a bar in NYC called the Village Idiot ...his nick name is Big Man and it is probably a self portrait
This the update.
Thank you so much
How about placing him on the right side of the building and have him holding a large wine glass? (instead of a beer mug)
Thank you so much
I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Please accept my condolences to you and your family.
Best regards,
Looking to add a little humor so I added a couple more attachments to the contest. Please check the cartoon of the guy with a big head. Perhaps something like him but dressed as a monk (or not) and holding a very large glass of wine?
In your logo I like the Chateau, the cork screw T, and the font used for screwinoff.
I have updated the design on #58.
Thank you so much
that says RIP with drawing fo a cork screw?
Please to a look at the first pictute attachment (the three panel art)
...in the center panel is a cork and a cork screw that says "R.I.P."
Could we try adding that or maybe make that the entire logo?
Here I try to update the design
- make the screw to the bottle shape
- add vineyard line
- bottle cap ( main door )
Thank you so much
(the 3 panel painting)
Could we try a couple more elements from that painting....
simpler, grape plants, corkscrew....