Awsome iDEA!!! Would like to see the word "Productions" below "Chapmuzic" in the design. also is it possible to add shadows or reflection to give the design additional depth! Looking forward to seeing more!
The legs on the "m" are kind of close. Is it possible to get a little more space so that it will be more recognizable as the letter "m"? Thanks for your great idea!
yes thats it. I'm think of this as an alternative to #61. Imagine the circle on the back of a jacket could you lighten up th grey jut a couple of shades? and pehaps pace a black boarder aroun circle?
Do you think any highlight going through the circle on #87 would look good.
Review your designs to make sure they are everything you want them to be. I will be selecting a winner tomorrow. Make sure you have put your best design idea forward!
I haven't think about putting the design on the jacket before since you want more pop design with the sense of depth on it. The circle highlight will be OK for the jacket, but the embroidery won't handle the shadow and stuffs. So, I am thinking to give some alternatives which will fits in the web and jacket. You can also have all version of the designs for your needs.
Will upload them shortly. Thank you for your appreciation to my works. subzero