Hello makou, It's not a bad approach at all! We currently prefer logo #49 between all of your logos. Our comments would be: The octagon should also have a steel net a not filled with color The silhouette should have the elements that make him an MMA fighter. That's for start!
(#57) HI, we are most close to #57.We like the colors and the silhouette looks like a fighter. Make the right glove solid red instad of using stripes.Thank you
(entry #70) Hey makou, We like this one. Is it possible to change the orientation of the hands to a "boosting" position? Have both hands extended in the air. Can we see this?
(entry #73) Hi makou, Your logo is relly good. Our main issue is that we intend to place the logo on the upper left header position of the site. So, we would prefer the logo to be "mirrored" on the right side instead of the current which is oriented to the left. Also,we had a thought of changing the background (octagon filled with steel net) to just steeled net which will have an octagon look.Maybe this, will be fading out as it gets to the bottom...! What do you think? Thank you
Thank for the comment, i agree with you, change the direction for logo it's more better, and i try to make octagon background with deep gradient, hope you like,
Hi there, i fix the correction as your request, I try to make the background more smaller and more deep, and make the fighter and text more prominent and dramatically, also still good on black and white logo,hope you like it,
Hi Makou, We would like to really thank you for all your effort and appreciation during this contest. You were the number 1 choice until the last minute..... Thank you very much.