#1 Ranked I like the houses a lot, it is very modern and looks fresh. I am not to fond of the "Chad's" text, it is to simple. "Buy, Sell, Live Well" is to small, it would be hard to show up on business cards. Overall I like the modernness of it and the prominence of the houses.
#14 can you make the "home Team" more bold? Maybe a thicker text...? Add the "L" to Sell! Can the "buy sell live well" be bolder as well, darker black?
Nice, Thank you for taking so much time with my contest. You have a lot of great ideas, thank you.
I really like #34 how it is the half swoosh. Could you bring the houses down just a little so they are not so tall? I really like it besides that. Also bring the whole pictoral down some so it almost rest on the "chad's". Can you add a reflection on this one also, like #30 has the shadow look on the bottom of it.
Since we have seven days to make it a little better, I was comparing mine to others you have done. I don't want you to have to redo the whole thing but I noticed mine compared to others is really bubly and fun. Others were more serious for example: BentonTech #1 Ranked and DWC homes and remodeling. Could you make mine be a little more serious?
We only have a few days left. Is there a way to make it more sophisticated or serious? Like I mentioned earlier. Maybe a black outline or something might make it look more sophisticated. Let me know.
#86- I like the houses a lot better, they look really nice. Can you change the green to match #80 green. Change the Lines to black ( the lines on top and bottom of "Home") and make the "Chad's" blue like #77 with a black outline.
Then bring the right house down so it is not in the air. this is getting really close
#89 Can you make the swoosh around the houses blue, the same darkness as #79. Also make the blue swoosh have a black out line. Looking so much better. THank you
#91 Great, I like it all!! it looks great, thank you for spending so much time on it. The only thing is that the swoosh on the right side changed. It doesn't end like the other ones before it. I think if that was changed it would look perfect, Also the shadow in the windows, can that be taken out?