#28 I like the modern look of this, it looks really nice. Could you somehow make the "home team" as prominent as the "chad's"..? and the "buy sell live well" bolder and larger? Also drop off the last two houses on the left and make it one big house.
This logo has been changed as requested. Removed the two houses to the left and have inhanced the tag line and also inlarged the words Home Team. Please feel free to request changes as needed. Thank You . Majestic_Concepts
This logo design is my personal choice , it seems to have better balance and looks good with the changes in the roofline. Somthing I almost added to the Logo was a change in your tag line. I like the tag line, but adding the word advantage and using " Home Team Advantage " sounds good if you like it. Thought I would throw that in just in case you have not thought of it. Please feel free to request adjustments.