dear CH, this is my first proposal. i am using left arrow concept as a western zone. and center point as a central. hope u like it. please let me know if u want something changing about my design.
I love the lettering on concept #1, but the black circle for concept #2. This is my first attempt at using logotournament. We, the CWZ, are actually looking for a logo to represent "Keep Your Bucket Full", not the CWZ. I will clarify this on the listing and it is completely my fault. I think I uploaded last year's logo (the building blocks) and every year we have a new slogan. I love the ideas that you had and would love you to run with the "Keep Your Bucket Full" Concept.
dear CH, welcome to the, the best ever site for make great logo. please let me introduce my self, i am brian, and i am ready to serve you. don't ever think about hurt feeling, all designer in here have some great talent. and they all will try do the best for your contest.including me...
and i am come with a second concept from your feedback. hope u like it. just feel free for giving me suggestion or feedback. all i have to do is give all the best i have for your contest.
The designs are fun! I love all of the colors! I really like the first and second images; I am torn on their ranking. I like the "Keep Your Bicket Full" in script and the overflowing bucket on the design I ranked second. I like the compact design on the design I ranked first. Can we make the slogan a bit bigger? Maybe over the bucket or something like that (I don't have the designer mind!) Thanks for all of your work on this!
dear CH, thx for your feedback. i have uploaded new layout with bigger size slogan. hope u like it. please let me know if u want something changing about my design.
Brian, First of all, thank you so much for all of your time. I love the new designs! I really like the colorful slogan over the top. On the entry ranked #2, I prefer the white CWZ writing on the bucket. Also, I don't even know if it would look good, but could you put on some of the individual balls in the bucket the words - Health, PE, Rec (or Recreation), & Dance. Just wondering what it would look like. Hope the feedback is helpful; everything looks so awesome! Have a great day! Alissa
Dear Alisssa... thank you for your feedback, it's make me do it all the logo design in right track. and it's really helpful. a new revision from your guide have been uploaded. please feel free for give me some feedback. and i am sorry before, my english language not so well. hope u can understand it.
Brian, This is so much fun! Your English is very good; I have had no trouble. Can you make the lettering on the bucket like entry #4 without the black background? Also, just to see what it would look like, in design #2 could you do the lettering on the balls in color like on design #1? I think we are getting close. I have sent out for feedback from our Board of Directors also and waiting for them to be in touch. Thanks! ~Alissa
Dear alissa, the revision have been uploaded. white color for CWZ and coloring on word inside the ball. and i am provide another color for the bucket. please let me know if u have some suggestion for another bucket color.
Brian, I like the new colors. Can you try a blue bucket too? The design may be printed in black and white also, is there are way to see what the top three would look like or is that left to my imagination? Just curious. Thanks again! ~Alissa
dear alissa the blue bucket have been uploaded. and i provide the black background. are u need for grayscale color scheme?.... please let me know if u want it.
Brian, I have received some feedback from the group. The bucket itself is very colorful, the color of the text and font are a little busy and does not stand out - wondering if you can change the font of slogan and make it one color. They like the words on the balls in white and the font that is in design #2. The blue bucket is nice, but I do like the red one best. Can you do it in grayscale so we can see what it would look like?
dear alissa, thx for your feedback, please wait for a moment, i will change the color and font for the slogan. and i will provide for the grayscale color scheme. for note, if u write #2 it's mean u said about the logo entry no 2. not the logo in rank 2nd. hope u can understand it. because i am a little bit confuse when u said #2, but the design in "client prefer another design" status. but, if i am wrong for understanding your words, please forgive me.
dear alissa, i have upload the grayscale scheme and the solid color scheme for the logo. hope u like it. and please let me know if u have something changing about my design.
Brian, I think the logo will look good in grayscale! Also, I like the slogan in a solid color; do you have something in between the block and the script writing for the slogan? I do prefer the design without the black outline. I like the bucket in Ranking #1; the font on the balls in Ranking #4; Hope I am helping and not making you crazy! ~Alissa
dear alissa, i have made a change from your order. please check it... and i provide the solid color with new layout. hope your team like it. no, u not make me crazy, i just avoid our miss understanding. just feel free for give me some feedback or suggestion.
Brian, Love the new burst and ribbon effect! Let's try the bucket and balls (I do the the colors and the font better) from entry #20 with the ribbon and burst from #21. So sorry for all fo the confusion! We are in the home stretch! ~Alissa
dear alissa.... the design provide with brust and ribbon have been uploaded... just tell me if u have something changing.. anything alissa... and please don't say sorry, this is my job. i will do the best i can for you. just leave some message, i will do all the command from you.
Brian, Can we see entry #23 with the red ribbon, block letters, and no burst? Also, it came to my attention that the date was not on it. The conference is on March 5, 2011. Can you put that in someplace? Also, we had several individuals really like entry #4 but it needed more emphasis on the slogan and the words on the balls? Can you throw other options together for that one too?
dear alissa please forgive me, i am late for upload the new layout. i have a problem with my internet connection. hope u can understand it. please let me know if u have some feedback from me. and once again, please forgive me if i am wrong understand with your words.
Brian, The good news is that we had our board meeting tonight and I have lots of great feedback for you! They really liked the layout and design of Entry #4. Can you...Switch the places of the "Keep Your Bucket Full" and the Central Western Zone so that the Central Western Zone is in the script below the slogan? Can you keep the bucket the same (with just the CWZ on it) but use the primary colors and use the white lettering on the balls (Entry #21)? Thanks again! ~Alissa
the revision from entry #4 have been uploaded. please let me know if i have mistake for the revision. okay, i will wait for the good news and the feedback. have a great day alissa.
Brian, Can you make "Keep Your Bucket Full" in the big font with "Central Western Zone " in the script font underneath it? Love the words on the balls!!! Can I see one with the ball on the bottom gone too? ~Alissa
Brian - Love the bucket from Entry #42. I lile the way the lettering is in Entry #3 - just make the "Keep Your Bucket full" in the big red block letters and then put the "Central Western Zone" below it in the small blue script. I think that will be great!
Brian, You are on top of things! Personally, I like the date, but unfortunately the rest of the board said no date. Can entry #49 be as big as #48 and have the red script? Also, would "Recreation" fit better and be easier to read on the ball that has "Dance" on it? (Switch "Dance" and "Recreation")
Hello again! Thanks for so many options! Can I see #50 and #54 without the vertical line between the words and the bucket? Why does the bucket in #50 seem so much bigger? Can #54 be as big as #50??
dear alissa... the revision have been uploaded. the different on #50 and #54 is on the font type. #50 using big font but not wide #54 using big font but the font size is wide. and it make it bucket can't bigger like #50 hope u understand it. please let me know if u want something changing on my design.