Entry #3 and #2 - the phrase separation (if you are going to separate by font size or style) should be "Central Gulf" and "Marine Trades Association" The moving power boat is a good symbol - consider adding a tower for sportfish style Consider working in the Gulf Coast line form Louisiana to FL
The #4 is moving in the right direction, but Florida is too dominant and recognizable. We were along the coast of Mississippi, Alabama and the FL panhandle. Is that a recognizable coastline to be symbolic? Not sure. You will have to play with it. You may be able to grab a little bit of Louisiana or west FL to establish place, but the current symbol says FLORIDA and that won't work. Another idea might be to show the whole gulf coastline--TX to west coast of FL--with a highlighting of our coast area. We are the Central Gulf coast.
Great. I really like the oval!! Unfortunately, the map is still a little too far oriented to the east. It is very close, but still too much FL. Try bringing in TX and a whole gulf view so the boat is heading towards the central coast. MS and AL???
Hi, Reason I kept on showing Florida is that it's so recognizable shape. Now I widened the scope again - stretching it from TX to FL. But I found it hard to point the boat in AL MS direction - It just doesn't look good to have boat going up
Here is second color scheme with gradient on the water. Please let me know if you feel there is something more to change to make it work better for you.
I think you have it about as good as it can get. I like the image a lot. I need to get the rest of my executive committe to review to get final approval. Definitely, I like the darker background in #19. It makes the white stand stronger.
One more suggestion to try to get more focus on the Central Region of the Gulf. . . use the coastline from the Louisiana toe to the Big Bend of Florida (showing none of west Louisiana, TX, or the FL peninsula). Bring this land mass south in the oval and then use the initials CGMTA on the land right over Mobile Bay (the body of water that inverts into the land east of the LA toe). I would like to see one where that body of water was the center of the coastline image. Thanks.
We just had a meeting, so I have a few more ideas to try with #19. . . The word TRADE needs to be TRADES. A few of our guys were worried about the name of the association getting lost in the logo. Can you brighten the white or take the font up one layer of thickness? What about putting the MARINE TRADES ASSOCIATION in line with CENTRAL GULF to make it stand up better? I am not sure I will like this arrangement, but I would like to have a look at it.
Here are 5 entries varied in fonts and sizes. I always test much more options than I can and want to show. That's way if you want all the name to stand in one line - I tried it and it is much too long to make a logo. So I put it in two lines. Most of the times it looks good to have long name like this divided in two pieces of different fonts and sizes. Eye likes to cling to one thing.