1) Background white - Deep blue pistill on the left side and "A" in red fading in (Pharmacie A is posted ´by me)
2) Fading out red A - pistill remaining on white Background
3) White Background - Name fading in color deep blue like right now
Central Apotheke
-------------------------- (light blue)
4) Background changing color to deep blue - Name color changing to white - Line color changing from light blue to white.
5) All fading out to white -> to start
Thx got the idea. The words are too small. Maybe this is the first picture, but without the pistill. And the Line in light blue.
The following pictures could be
Central - Apotheke - Walldorf- Logo
Finally every word would be larger and easier to read
Comment Activity
2) Fading out red A - pistill remaining on white Background
3) White Background - Name fading in color deep blue like right now
Central Apotheke
-------------------------- (light blue)
4) Background changing color to deep blue - Name color changing to white - Line color changing from light blue to white.
5) All fading out to white -> to start
The following pictures could be
Central - Apotheke - Walldorf- Logo
Finally every word would be larger and easier to read