We like logo #s 8 and 9... like the font style, but would like to see the 'Stage' in black font for comparison. We'd like to see another couple of options for the graphic part of the logo instead of the spaceship or star, like maybe something to play on words (i.e. sound, theater, stage, etc.). A representation of both audio and video. Thank you for submitting several options. We look forward to seeing more.
Thank you for updating the Stage to black on entry #12. We would like to see that same logo but with a different graphic instead of the spaceship or star, like maybe something to play on words (i.e. sound, theater, stage, etc.). A representation of both audio and video. Thank you for submitting several options. We look forward to seeing more.
Hi, while I'm redefining this approach I would like you to have a look on #14, it needs some details on the metallic frame and some adjust in the colour scheme.
Thank you for submitting more options. #'s 8 and 9 are still our favorite so far. We'd like to keep the font style/colors of 8 and 9, but change the graphic from the spaceship to something else. The graphic can be more subtle and simple, like a movie reel, or using the C from Center to incorporate a graphic, or etc. We liked the sound bars you created on one of the other entries, and if you tried the sound bars on 8 and 9, let's go smaller. Originally we wanted the graphic part to be more impactful, but now that we've seen the simple font of 8 and 9, we like the more simple route. I hope that makes sense!
We really like entry #19 as it is, but wonder if you could add something for sound and home related. The video is represented in the S, which we love. but would like to see a simple representation added for sound and home for comparison. Thanks!