Cell Gate USALogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Cell Gate USA Cell Gate USA has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 67 designs from 9 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kava Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 3rd #45 Withdrawn 5th #64 Withdrawn New #48 Withdrawn New #47 Withdrawn New #46 Withdrawn New #6 Withdrawn Prefers others. #18 Withdrawn Prefers others. #7 Withdrawn Prefers others. #5 Discussion CellGateUSA Client Please show us what it looks like if it says One Click Scan & Go 12 years ago Kava Logo Designer Hi, Thank you for feedback.I'll upload more designs soon.Kindly regardsSebastian 12 years ago CellGateUSA Client i am thinking to change my company logo after I saw your design.can you please do more work around cell gate usa design. i like this but can you make Cell Gate USA font a little futuristic 12 years ago CellGateUSA Client I like with what you have done with number 2. But keep the globe blue and "Gate" White then try the reverse, Globe Silver and "Gate" blue. Thanks 12 years ago CellGateUSA Client #45 can you please replace "One Click Gets you there" with "An integrity based company" 12 years ago CellGateUSA Client #45 can you please make have orange first blue 2nd so CELL will be orange, Gate will be Blue thanks 12 years ago