CB PropertiesLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / CB Properties CB Properties has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 372 designs from 53 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by WongTegal Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 8th #180 Withdrawn Prefers others. #156 Withdrawn Prefers others. #154 Withdrawn Prefers others. #153 Withdrawn Prefers others. #92 Withdrawn Prefers others. #75 Withdrawn Prefers others. #74 Withdrawn Prefers others. #46 Discussion Christine Boyle Client Wondering how this would look with a capital CB there. I like the simplicity of it. 14 years ago Christine Boyle Client I really like #154 - can you show it to me w/out the keyhole and with 'providing home's letters closer together, a little smaller and flush right? 14 years ago Christine Boyle Client on 'PROVIDING HOME'... can you change that to 'Providing Home' ? Lower case secondary letters. 14 years ago Christine Boyle Client How much would you charge to sell me the artwork for the logo #180? I want to see about buying any of my top 20 - I loved them so much. Just depends on cost. I may end up going with yours - I've changed my mind so many times! Let me know. 14 years ago WongTegal Logo Designer hi, how much is your budget? i'll charge accordinglyplease reply by private massagesthanks 14 years ago