1) Mountain - CBP as a big player 2) 3 Trees - To Provide Families 3) Houses - With High Quality Homes 4) Green Stroke - While protecting, and providing an healthy environment.
I really like this.... but hesitant how it would translate to business cards, letterhead, signs, etc. It's got so many aspects I like, - we are a foothill mountain community, I like the font, I like the curvey line, the way CB P is higher than the rest of the name. And I love the warm color with the lighter circle in the center. Very nice. Thank you.
How much would you charge to sell me one of your logo artwork? I want to see about buying any of my top 20 - I loved them so much. Just depends on cost. I may end up going with yours - I've changed my mind so many times! Let me know.
Thanks for your message and interest. Since this is about trademark transferable matter and ownership of the logo, the price remains the same for what you have paid for First Place winner.
Please message me again if you have any other question or suggestion.