Razor- well done! I really like the latest entries! Question- any chance you can find a cooler A? I like that one, but if you have one that's tougher, more aggressive, and kick butt, I would love to see it. Also, great job on emphasizing the word Aces. I am afraid for the hats and jerseys, the word Cave Creek might not embroider well, so I may pass on those unless we deside to screen print the shirts, etc. But, VERY impressed! Thank you!
Razor- you are hitting the nail on the head! Also, if you read my general comments to the designers, you will see that I found out that #5 can't be used as it's a league rule violation. Lastly, any really cool, tough guy, I-am-going-to-hit-this-baseball-down-your-throat A's to consider. I like the As in #15, and #19, but would consider others. But like I said, you are knocking the cover off the ball- pun intended.
Hey man- It's coming to an end and I am sitting here having drinks with one my coaches, and we had some thoughts and this will be our last request... can we see #54 and #54 with black bats, white outline (not grey), on both red and black background, keeping the A white... Thanks bud! We love your submissions and appreciate your efforts!
Hey Razor- For #113, #109, #117, #115, can you take the ball out of the top of the spade? I have mixed feelings about it, so I would like to see those four without it. But, dude, you are killing it. Well done.