hi...we really liked the bottom of vers 10 but not the top graphical image...its close...ideally something like that image but say 3 raised outstretched arms maybe...and perhaps even as a silouhette? the colors of the image compete with the word catholic in this example...ie, we like number 18 with regards to layout....
hi, thanks - I can't really go and copy that icon or even do something similar as that's the other designer's creative idea so I'll have to leave the choice up to you. I like the hands myself as it communicates the message instantly. Unity, fun, interaction.... But of course you know the product and you'll make the right choice. I'll see if I can think of an other ideas for the icon before the contest ends.
looks good we just really don't like the hands like that...kind of looks like zombies trying to escape from the grave! if you come up with any other imagery similar to the number 22 let us know...perhaps 3 sets of outstretched arms/hands reaching to the sky....good work though....
we really love 36 and 37...not sure if adding a cross like number 8 would make it too busy, but our other preference might be to have the width in the bar in 36 not exceed the width of the text (more like 37)...and depending on your expertise, whether lengthening the torsos of the 3 people wouldn't be more effective at identifying what those images are....