We like the single color concept in #166, but would like to see other color options for comparison. In addition, we would like to see other font treatments. Last, we need to keep the circles to 5 (#166 has six) and are interested in reducing the amount of vertical space the circles are taking up.
We would like to explore more font treatments to the #226 logo. Can you please try some cleaner but bold sans-serif type fonts. We are trying to find fonts that are a little more business/sophisticated. In addition, try showing the "5" in both above and below the baseline (and have the "a" in Media be in vertical alignment with the "h" in catch when the 5 is below the baseline).
We like both - really will depend on the font that we eventually choose. However we would like to see the "C" in caps since we do see applications where we will use "C5" in a small logo bug. For a green color reference, possibly the mid tone color in logo #220