Catawba Farm and Food CoalitionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Catawba Farm and Food Coalition

Catawba Farm and Food Coalition has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 78 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Hello Lotus Creative - thank you very much for your logo submissions thusfar! I've not ranked these highly for a couple of reasons. Here's some feedback:

Entry #33 - I like the shape of the outline for this logo, but feel that there are too many color competing against each other that I have to squint to take in all of the information. A pineapple doesn't fit our region for things that are grown. I'm not too crazy on the font used for the 'Farm and Food Coalition' or the white background used for the word 'Catawba.' Just a little too busy there.

Entry #39 - Much the same feedback here - just a little too busy.

That said, I do appreciate your time and efforts!!!!

Much appreciated!!!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for the feedback
I am sorry that I did not met your requirements
If you think that you would like to see revisions, please feel free to contact me
I am at your disposal
kind regards
Tzina - lotus creative
12 years ago
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