I like the entry 1, but can you make the logo design orange in that top C section that you have red currently. Also maybe show another design that has that C with the house as the middle of the cascade name. so incorporate into the name that sysmbol. the entry 2, see if you can include that C from entry one into using it to the left so it reads C - REG and see how that looks. thanks
I like your designs, can you come up with others to give us a sense of adttional options? I like the first one colors with out the black background. also in our sample some one else had a good idea by putting a little line on each side of real estate group, maybe shrink the font and add that into it. your on the right page with us just have to give us more options. thanks
in your second design, change the Red to Orange. also include the lines on both side of real estate group seen in design one. If you could drop the black background in design one as well.
i am just thinking out loud here, but what if you continued the organge part of #16 symbol all the way across the Cascade name (kinda like under line but maid up from the C portion of your symbol. and then just put the real estate group below that line of orange. maybe it works, agree?
Hi, your doing good work! thanks for the muliple versions, i think we like all three of the ones we ranked you on. in the third one can you change that red color to orange for us? and adde the lines like you have in the entry 15 (real estate group) into the third design i have ranked above. The last thing is i would like to see the first two and how they look with out the black background. we are undecided in how we want to take it from here with black background or not. thanks so much
okay we have narrowed your designs down to two, in various combo's. Can you make the organge color the same in both. i would perfer the orange in the #15 entry. make sense? Great job, so far you are our faviorite
Not sure if you had a chance to read my prior comments, but in example #50, we like the orange color alot. can you make that same orange in your example #32. to be clear we would like one orange color not faded or shaded. great job!
i think we are going to pick you, #74 can you make the top black in the roof seciton of the C and then the real estate group black as well.? we would like to keep then that one and #50 when we pick you as our winner. sound good?
We selected you as our winner, thanks you very much. We would like both designs for our files though, is that possible? i know you have to go through the site to get your prize but can you email me at ksenske@cascade-re.com the files as well for both of them.