Cary's Of MauiLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Cary's Of Maui

Cary's Of Maui has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 87 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Since it seems you are only interested in current #1 Designer by providing feedback only to him I´ll withdraw all my entries.

Good Luck!.

15 years ago
Frustrating, I just spent 45minutes writing to you only to be timed out. Lost the message
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am very interested in your designs. The reason the other designer has gotten more feedback is for a few reasons. Mostly he has submitted the most entries and revisions and also asks specific questions that i answer. There really isn't any design out there that is jumping out at me which makes me a bit worried actually. for the record, I have answered and commented to each designer that has submitted work. I was still thinking stage about yours before I gave you feedback. If you are still interested in participating,
#47 is my favorite. Really like the flowers. Font is interesting as well My biggest comment would be that the ukulele, flower, and trade name take up too much of the image. Particulaly the brown foreground of the ukulele. Too much blank brown. What I'm really after is a beautiful scene with a ukulele or ukulele player or possibly no ukulele and my tradename. I'm hoping the image will go on products that can be sold in my store. This is a job more for a graphic artist I'm realizing and also why I asked you to take a look at my contest. congratulations by the way on the Makai contest. I liked your second place entry best.
#48 and #49 are too dark. I really want to get off the sunset night time theme and am totally open to any off the wall ideas you may have. You are welcome to ask me any questions as well before spending time on a design to see if I'm interested. Also don't worry about ranking, it's all arbitary as all designs are a work in progress. I'm ranking more based on the designers that are working the hardest ot come up with the artwork for my store.
I'll try and respond quicker in the future. Being a CH is becoming a fulltime job!

Thanks again for taking the time to enter my contest

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Cary, glad to hear from you. These last days LT has been very weird. Many CHs acting like Designers and winning their own contests to get the money back and running aways with the money. Lost 2 contests because of this, and one of the reasons it was obvious is that the CH was keeping contact with only one designer, like if CH wanted THAT ONE to win. Once the contest ended we found out the name of the "designer" was the name of one of CHs employees (we found it at his site). He didn´t even take care of choosing another name. That´s why now when I see too much communication between CH and one or two designers I prefer not to waste more time on that contest. It´s clearly not the case. So again, glad to hear from you.

I liked my 2nd place for the Makai contest best. but (between us), CH bought me both of them :). It seems he couldn´t decide which one to use and bought the second place too.

I didn´t know you prefer not to use the ukelele, o use it as a minimal object. No problem, now that I know what you really need I can work based on that.

I´ll be back Cary!


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Tahia, I think that is an awesome logo (entry #64) and although it might not exactly be the "classy" look he was originally going for, this is by far the best logo submitted so far and I really dig it and I hope he picks it (or a variation of it).

It actually blows my mind how you guys can draw stuff like that for a $300/$350 logo, drawing all of the flowers and guitar shapes by hand in each concept.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
GoNorth has right. #64 is the very best logo in this contest. well done
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks guys!! I really appreciate your comments. It really took me a lot of time to make those letters fit the ukelele shape, keeping the font style and not distort it too much when modifying it, then adding the illustration and still make it readable! haha

Thanks again!. Nat
15 years ago
Hi Nat,
What a great entry! Very clever artwork using the font to create an ukulele. I really appreciate all the time that went into it. This contest is getting difficult as their are so many creative ideas that could work. Sorry not to respond yesterday, but we had a huge party at my home for my little boys first birthday. Anyway, here are my thoughts
#64 Love the palm, flowers, and background image as well as font. My only concerns would be whether someone who saw that logo that didn't know I was a ukulele store would realize that the logo was in the shape of an instrument. I'll have to run it by some random customers as they come in today. may be able to solve it easily with having the slogan "Handcrafted Ukuleles from Hawaii" below ?
I was originally wanting a more sophisticated look to the logo font, but am staying open to this entry as I really like the creative aspect. I don't think you can do what you've done with a more serious font anyway.
So really I can't think of much else I would want to change in this design. If you have any thoughts or variations that come to you I'm certainly open. Possibly another background image with different colors. I'm really a green and blue person and these colors also really define the feeling of Hawaii.

Much Mahalo!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Still love this design, especially the new coloring.

Only thing I would add to make it look more like a ukulele is 4 small tuning pegs at the end on the headstock. Just little green pegs to match the color of the outer green color.

Not even sure if I should continue on with my own wordmark design, I like this one so much!

-- Matthew
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Mathew!

I tried the tuning pegs, but I feel it´s too much already. I mean, the shape, font, landscape + slogan. I really prefer to have a text that is easy to read than incorporating more elements to a design that is already complex. That´s why I added the slogan to make clear enough we´re talking about ukeleles. I think the shape + the hawaii landscape + slogan makes it clear. Don´t you think?

Keep entering your stuff! Great stuff by the way :)

15 years ago
Wow Nat! I'm so glad that I asked you to enter my contest. Right now it's a really draw between the first and second place entry. #65 Love the the colors, flowers, sun, the way you have reshaped the ukulele. Really like the mountains and water. Brilliant logo design! I think the image definately comes across as the shape of an instrument now especially with the "Handcrafted Ukuleles" from Hawaii below. I like this font as well. My only thoughts would be switching the sailboat to a hawaiian sailing canoe? or two possibly not right on the sun either. Also I can't tell what the wood is above the flowers? Possibly darker green boarder around the ukulele?
Thanks so much!! Such a unique design.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
cool idea about the canoe! A friend of mine was living in Maui for a year so I´ll ask her for her pics.

I´ll be back with some changes.

Aloha and Mahalo!

15 years ago
Hi Nat,
Thanks for adding the sailing canoes. Difficult for me to see, but from what i can tell it looks good. Only other thing I can think about to tweak this design would be to work on the sun. possibly a little bit too defined althoug difficult to tell in such a small image and possibly bringing one of the canoes more into the foreground. Also scene feels like mid day on the mountains and sky, but sun is nearly set. a little confusing there. obviously these are small details and if I choose your design, i'm sure we can work these details out after the contest. Actually I'm going to end this contest now as I have pretty much narrowed it down to your entry and 2nd place entry and not enough time left to work with any new designs.
Thanks so much!

15 years ago
one other thought. filling in the white triangle on the "A" in Maui with Dark green like the O in "of"
15 years ago
Hi Nat,
This has been really hard for me to choose a winning design but i have to unfortunatley inform you that I have decided on your entry as 2nd place logo design. If i were deciding based on design skills and artistic ability, you would certainly win. I don't know anyone else out there who could have fit the name into a shape of an ukulele so well. and the hawaiian scene is so cool too. Really what it came down to was representing the image I'm trying to portray. I sell very expensive ukuleles (over $1000) and wanted a logo to reflect that When I look back at my design attributes, yusonmez's design fit this the closest. On a positive note, I've learned alot about you and your style and skills and have some other Hawaiian product ideas that I'm interested in you possibly doing the artwork on. Let me know

Thanks again for all your time and effort.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Cary,

thanks for the opportunity! I really enjoyed this contest. I´ll be here if you need me.

Good Luck!

15 years ago
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