Entry 21.... Love the lettering and lines. However, make the word SPINE a bigger font. Also...we like entry 13 for the layout. Lastly, any way you can incorporate a more REAL LIFE spine?? We are concerned that when we blow up the logo for large signs, the spine you showed us will look weird.
Entry 62...we again love this logo. But we're hoping you could center the word spine and keep the line on both sides...in addition, could we have the word SPINE in a slightly larger font please? We love the colors you used. We for sure like bronzes versus silver. We also loved the fading you put in the C's.
This will be our final logo....but, we still want to see the word SPINE in still larger font. We love the way there is a line going through the word spine. Again, very good job! We are almost done!!
Please please please!! Please use the ENTRY #20 SPINE (your ORIGINAL SPINE) TO OUR WINNER ENTRY 78. We love our winning pick (ENTRY 78), but want your original spine please. We apologize for any inconvenience.