Thanks for the wonderful complement about my work. That means a lot! I’m going to comment on all of the designs, but I don’t expect you to change them all. There are two front runners and I’m just tweaking the designs slightly and working on the fonts.
#5 – this is still one of our favorites. But there are still a few tweaks we’d like to see.
First, we like the way the cord is connected to the “C” in my name, and we like the font (it’s playful) but we don’t like the “K”. Is there a different K we can try with the same “Carolyn”? Also, we would like to see it with the font you used in #9, but where the cord is connected to the top of the “C”.
Second, the piece looks a little “flat”. We love the highlight you used in #7 (it makes it look like it’s shining glass) and wondered if you could add some of that to this piece also. We’d also like to see if you could do something to make the surface look more rounded like you see on most of pendants or on the magnets on the home section of my webpage. That might be accomplished, in part, with the highlights I mentioned.
Third, we’d like to see it with more of a reflection than a shadow, as if it were sitting on white Lucite and you saw a little of it in the reflection. I don’t know if it’s the coloring, or the cleaner line (the rest looks more fluid like brush strokes), so I’m hoping you can make a minor adjustment there.
#7 – we like the design and the shape. It does look like flowing glass would. We also like the highlights. Here are some changes we’d like to see.
First, I don’t like the blockiness of the font in the “arolyn”. You could try the font from #8 or #9 (in color).
Second, I’d like to see what it looks like with the drop to the side of the name, like in #5.
Third, the top of the teardrop (where it’s just medium blue and turquoise) looks different from the rest of the teardrop.
#8 – something about the plate looks flat, and the teardrop is more interesting, so we’re not going to work on this more right now.
#9 – we’d like to see the font with the cord connected to the “C”, but that’s discussed above in #5.
#16 – I think I prefer the design moving vertically (as in #5 and #9) better than horizontally as you did here. So no need to work on this design at this time. But, can the font be done not italics? I’m getting drawn to the non-italicized cursive fonts. If so, we could try that font with the revised design #5 or #7, our two favorites.
Two general things that you could try it after the tweaks with #5. One is that I’d like to see the “home-jewelry-décor” (from #6 but in the colors used in #5) in the design, to see if I like it with this design. That would help deal with the fact that it’s jewelry in the image. The second is that almost all of the designs I have been given (by you and others) emphasizes my name and minimizes the “designs” part of the name. This is something I had not thought of before I started seeing the logos and I’m still undecided about how I feel about it. So, I’d like to see what you’d come up with if you kept the full business name (Carolyn K. Designs) all the same font, size, color, etc., as a full name. I may not like it, but I’d like to see it so I know.
Finally, I don’t know what the rules are about borrowing ideas from other designers, but I clearly feel that someone copied your very original design. Minor tweaks I understand, but not whole concepts. I won’t be using their design, so no need to worry. On the other hand, I know that fonts are often publicly available, and there is a font another designer has used that I really like. Let me know if you’re able to use it or if we just still need to find one that seems perfect.
It’s great working with you, I hope I’m not being too much of a pain. I’ve never done this before and they say to write detailed comments, so that’s what you’re getting!
Thank you so much for all of your efforts.