may have to look at a different approach here. I understand where you are going with this, but you need to link it in some way to the building industry!
hi Memmooi, We keep coming back to 66. we like the double C design. Do you think you could develop this. Maybe de-emphasize the carmelcrest a little, and remove the lines please.
leaning toward 102. could we try green colour, and maybe soften up the carmelcrest. maybe more emphasis on the image, and less on the word carmelcrest?
Ha CK..looking good. yes i do like them. 106 in particular!
im not saying i dont like it as it is, but could we try the carmelcrest in red to see what it looks like. only because i like red really? If it doesnt work, couls we get a tiny piece of red in there? Also could we perhaps just soften the text a tiny bit...maybe less sharp edges.
I like 106 more than 107, 113 and 114, as we are a smaller company, those 3 reminded me more of a large company.
sorry me again. just noticed the gree on 110 is stronger than 106. i like the colours in 110 best. but could the C's be closed together like 106 please?
hi ya. yes i think you are right about the red...not so good.
Im liking about you?
the problem is if we go for white will be lost on our white site boards. i like the green. it says we care about the environment. and it gives a border to the whole thing.
does the border of the green have to be that size though/ can we have it more rectangle?
im going to rank it as my favourite.
not sure we can better it...what do you think?? maybe the mess about with the proportions?
hi again. there is an illusion when you look at the image isnt there. its a house with a pitched roof...then it could be two walls with a flat roof :-) very clever.
an we soften it a tiny tiny bit....its a little sharp for our friendly easily approachable business....i dont know, maybe fractionally rounded corners, softer text.....??