Waveman, Thanks for all your entries. I think you are on to something especially with entries 21 and 20. What would you do with an empty slate to let it rip? how can this become more roots and less cartoony? while still incorporating the themes of acai.
We would love to see a version with a wooden bowl with wood grain.
With regards to 21 and 22 if we could see some different color versions incorporating vibrant Brazil blue, yellow, and green along with adding "Feed your Soul with a Bowl"
Also adding in some palm fronds in different versions would be ideal.
Yes, I'm still here and was working on the updates you asked me for. Please check the latest submissions and see if you like them better. Your logo requires a bit of extra illustration work and it's more complex then a typical logo so if you don't get enough attention from designers maybe you could consider increasing the price. The winner of this contest gets only $214 which and the extended amount of work on this logo might put off many of the designers as it might not be worth it for them. I hope this helps.
Thanks for letting me know. I actually don't have any "new" ideas, but if there is anything in particular you'd like to adjust in any of my designs, just let me know and we can work on it even during the "judging" stage of the contest.