#70 -- I love the floating compass. Interesting perspective. An original execution. I find the thick-border circle and CP distracting from the simple beauty of the compass ring. Could you please explore ways to simply the design? Thank you! ~Geoff
thank you you like my design, i can't post my email address if the contest still running, that caused my account will be banned from logo tournament ( break the rule), if you don't mind please just post your requested here, so i can made your requested
I understand. Sorry. Okay, #70... 1) Please remove the circle and the CP Hapus lingkaran dan huruf C dan P. 2) Flip the abstract compass shape Flip bentuk horizontal kompas. 3) Color the single arrow point red Membuat panah merah titik tunggal. Make sense? My Indonesian is not very good. Sorry : / Thanks, mumul!
i have done made your revision, in judging mode only first rank can submit new entry, so please switch me on 1st rank for a moment just to submit entry what your requested..