it happens sometimes, I have minimized the logo back to just the C as the main initial from #268 to #275, please let me know what you think about it thank you
revised the sybol to give more of an electrical engineering feeling, both sybols the first one I have made and this one can be used , one does not exclude the other
I understand your request , thank you for asking me, we could yes try to add more informations to this logo but somehow is not really necessary for some reasons, the logo never goes alone, it always goes with the product or a picture or a video of the product or in the uniforms of the team that works at the product, the logo is always surrounded by the context it should mark the context, not describe it, there will be a lot of elettrical engineering around this logo at all times , I hope this makes sense, but a too descriptive logo is a common mistake, it was necessary in the past when a large amount of the population were not able to read, but nowdays with the mobile in our pocket connected to the internet we are just seconds away from all the information about every company, I watched the video in your website to understand the product I didn't try to understand it from your previous logo, the logo is a mark, need to be timeless strong, flexible, this design is all about balance and every line is carefully placed, any addition to it would make it change a lot, but we can try, please let me know if you like to see the rapresentation of a specific element of elettrical engineering so I can narrow my research
thank you for ranking my design this font is made customized from scratches based on the letters that can all share the same characteristics I worked to void strong shapes in the font like for example triangles in AN and circles in the P, I also customized the font for the word design, in my latest iterations, please let me know your thoughts and if you have any feedback for me, thank you
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with dark background