Capture the MoveLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Capture the Move Capture the Move has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 54 designs from 9 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by G a c o Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Withdrawn 2nd Withdrawn 5th Withdrawn 6th Withdrawn 8th Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Comment Activity G a c o commented on #15 Withdrawn Submitted. I tried to implement "the move" with a swoosh on second half. Also please check new submission #16 #17 9 years ago dtlogos commented on #4 Withdrawn I'm not crazy about the font on this one. But I like the chess pieces. Would like to see chart bars or arrows incorporated with this? 9 years ago dtlogos commented on #2 Withdrawn I like the bars in the icon, just not sure what the second half is. I'd like to see it where Capture is in red and bolder, and the move in black. Thank you! 9 years ago
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Also please check new submission #16 #17