Hey, Kent! Can you please upload a version of #273 against a solid white background? Also -- what happens if the two words are in two different tones or colors? Does it work? Thanks, ~Geoff
Appreciate your dedication, Kent! Remember: Rankings right now are a bit immaterial. ; ) We'll show the top 8 to 10 to ownership. You've got a great chance. Throw some color options of #433 up there if you will. Thanks! ~Geoff
Thanks again for the opportunity. The win is just a straight font. Google Ovidius-Demi font. Hope to make a winner for you the next time you have a contest.
Kent, I'm aware that it's Ovidius. I own the font myself. One of the 6,403 loaded in my FontAgent Pro right now. Not sure what your point is. hat is your point? I was pretty sure going in that I didn't want a straight typeface. But, when a entry as such is well-kerned, baseline shifted a bit (unless my eyes deceive me), and_most importantly—if the owners like it/choose it, so be it. Right? You didn't lose on some technicality. Another entry caught their fancy.
I'm sorry if you knew that already. I was just trying to be of some help. I'm glad the owners ended up with something they like. Since mine didn't end in second it's not a matter of me losing, I just didn't want you to find out later that it was just a font. Thank you so much, I hope to make a great logo for you next time that your clients will have to have :) Take care Kent
I think we'll keep logo designs in the shop from here on out. My staff rivals anything we get (or have ever gotten) here. Had hoped this venue would save us some time when we're swamped. But, ultimately, it does not save us time and it ends up being a real pain with all the Logo Courts and whining and infighting and Mickey-Mouse crap. I thank you for entering, Kent. You are—and have always been—a conscientious and talented designer. My best to you, ~Geoff