I looked over your requested information for this logo. Nice Mule Deer by the way, and from what I have found you almost need two logo’s ? One for Hunting and one for your pre qualified and sighted in rifle packages. This first logo that I am submitting is just a Cross Hair Pattern that fit’s the pre-sighted in part of the business. And I need to add something additional to give the Hunting and Fishing look . Please feel free to request changes to Majestic_Concepts.
I like both entry number 4 and 5. I like the red color in number 5, but maybe not in the name. I am a fan of the cross hairs also. If I make up a bunch of smaller stickers, I don't know if the slogan on the bottom will be too small...Thanks for your submissions!
This logo design is rather radical , but the style is popular among Red Necks. Being that I am one I thought Id throw it in the mix. Delete it if it is to much.
Can you add a pic of a big game animal in the cross hairs. I don't know if you can see the other entries, but the one with a compass look to it has some nice green colors in it and a crisp pic in the middle, but it is fishing and some of the others have nice pics but they are duck hunting and we don't do any duck hunting. Also, the yellow ring on the inside can be taken out if you can put a pic in the middle. Thanks!!