Thank you OcH@! The logos that I have received in the past have included a black and white version as well. Can you please send me a black and white and grayscale version of this logo. Thanks again! I am approving for payment.
First of all I would like to say thank you so much for choosing me as the winner!.
I have the final files uploaded. If you’re happy with the final files could you please take a moment to approve the design in order for payment to be processed
Hello OcH@! I really like your concept...however it is a bit busy for me and Summer Camp needs to be removed from the logo. How could this be simplified for a water bottle or a t-shirt that wouldn't be so complex. Thanks!
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I have sent those versions to . Please check your inbox
Thanks for approving the files!
First of all I would like to say thank you so much for choosing me as the winner!.
I have the final files uploaded. If you’re happy with the final files could you please take a moment to approve the design in order for payment to be processed
Best regards,
Sure, i try two versions of darker blue. Let me know what you think
Sure, no problem. I have grayscale and black white versions uploaded
Thanks for feedback. I will make some simpler concept. Back to you ASAP