#12 - would you also add some kind of line or justification element so the CRI sun and the Breakthroughs at Breakfast aren't just hanging in space? Add a horizon, perhaps.
#28 please add "Hosted by Cancer Research Institute" below. Also, can you play with some different fonts -- stick to classic looking. We don't want to look too much like a hotel logo.
The font in #37 is too modern. I like something with serif...looks more classical. Please update #28 to include the "Hosted by Cancer Research Institute"
Also, I don't like the leading in #37's "at Breakfast" -- keep the leading identical to "Breakthroughs" -- I don't like mixed leading.
I also don't like the red added to the horizon line. Let's just keep the gold that you have in #28. Thanks!
#54 is very close! Try a version with "Hosted by Cancer Research Institute" larger so it's legible when printed at smaller sizes. Do not do anything to "Breakthroughs at Breakfast" -- it's fine as is in this verison. THanks.