Hi Faith, I really like the new option, I think better than the first. I'm not sure if you have any other examples of the "CC's" that you could design? But we're on the same page. Thank you! Cindy
#90 Here's another thought on the logo. Somebody stop me! :) Still working on the Cs for the other option. This is a fun contest. Thank you for all your imput, Faith
Thank you for the feedback. I appologize due to the holiday, I wasn't able to upload any further revisions. If you would still like to see something, you can move me into the first position temprorarily and then I can then upload.
Regards, Faith and I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Hi Faith - I'm not sure if can still do that? I was traveling for Thanksgiving and just got somewhere I could log in but it looks like the tournament ended? I can try to move you into first position. Thanks! Cindy