#3 Thank you for the fun design.I like the girls reaching. The flower is nice for the o in gold. It does look fun so thank you. I wonder what it would look like in a different color choices. Wondering how it would look if you could include a tree? Our campus is full of them and maybe that would bring in an academic feel to it? .
#4 Thank you. I think we would rather not present the camping symbol of a teepee. It's very cute and stands out nicely, but we don't want to give anyone the impression that we are literally sleeping outside.
#5 Wondering about the word "camp" if you wouldn't mind trying it vertically going up along the side of the far left tree (and maybe the sizes change) with SummerGold alone horizontally underneath? Thanks so much
#4 still thinking about this one. Wondering instead of teepee if there is a girls face (teen) in the sun Ifacing the words or something like that ? I do like the font you chose but maybe with a girls face you could try a different font? I don't want to go the barbie doll direcion ..maybe the hair is shaped like a swirly S. I still