Updates #52
Sure, there will be a grey scale and B&W version included.
for one on one project we can do it here in logotournament or by email. let me know your thoughts.
Thank You!
Ok, I think I have one last revision before I close. The banner that “ Camp Meeting at Cane Hollow” is in, please continue the green border between the banner and the tent so that the earth tone doesnt run into each other. Also, with the finished file, will there be a grey scale and black and white version? Are you interested in working on a one on one logo for another event? Very similar to this one. How does that work? Thanks!
Obviously, you can see that you’re leading the charge! Is there a distressed filter we can use to make the logo look aged a bit? Any other ideas of yours to make it look more nostalgic would be great! Can we also enlarge the word CAMP a bit more please! Thank you!
Thank You for your feedback.
I have posted the changes, and also there is one new concept. #41#42#43
may I know what the font is called on the original logo ?
Thank you Serjunan for the good communication and the tent update. I like a lot of that is going on with your design. I'd like to see the "Camp Meeting at Cane Hollow" be more predominant. In other words, take up more space of the logo than 1/2 of the total space. The last tent you used is more of the direction, but we want the design to be more unique and less clip art looking. For example, I really like that the original design for our Cane Hollow logo attached is not biosymetrical. I want to use the same font that we're using in the original logo to tie these two together in some way. The mountains in the background are a bit too big and I'd like to see the sun rays more subtle. Thank you...It's coming along!
Hello Serjunan! I am very intrigued in how the design has started. Instead of a camping tent, I'd love to see a church camp meeting style tent. I like the colors. I don't care for the cross...too obvious for me. I'd love to see at least one font match the "Cane Hollow" font. Also, can the trees be more similar to the original CH design. Thanks for your work!
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Sure, there will be a grey scale and B&W version included.
for one on one project we can do it here in logotournament or by email. let me know your thoughts.
Thank You!
We have the updates , #49 #51
there was a mistake, I double upload an entry #50
I have posted the changes, and also there is one new concept. #41 #42 #43
may I know what the font is called on the original logo ?
Thank You, here is the update #27 .
if there is any other changes that you would like to see, please let me know.