Thank you for participating with your submissions. We like the balance in entry #25 but are not quite understanding the art shape; may be a little too abstract for our use.
A more simplified or stylized version of #33 might be interesting.
We received team feedback and there were lots of comments on your 2 recent submissions. I hope you consider evolving your work with our comments to make a new one. I will try my best to communicate preferences: 1. Prefer the all capitalized stacked layout of lettering in #33, but lose the A-V line connection. 2. Prefer the trees image with sun image in #34. Keep the yellow sun. 3. Wondering if you can just add a very small silhouette of eagle wingspan/bird flying above the sun somewhere instead of the big bird image in place now.
Make sense? We like that you offer more of a North Woods feel to your newer submissions!
1. Can you lose the cabin and those extraneous horizontal lines. 2. The team liked your trees concept from #33 & prefers the woodsy texture in your font in #33 & #36 3. is it possible to use the bird silhouette from #33 but smaller? It kinda of looks like you had it that big to cover the cabin in that might be existing in the tree art? it does work better in the foreground and does appear lost in small reference on #56 & 57.
We need equal visual weight to the 2 words CAMP HARVEST, so that's why #62 is ranked out of consideration. We PREFER the type texture in #33 - please keep that to any logos that evolve. Legibility is important to us for all our intended uses, so when you make it difficult to read the letters like with the text treatments in #61 & 60 blurring the top & bottom of all the letters, we like it less.
The art is #58, 59 and 61 is very good! Can you please fix the font in #61 - the window peaking through is very clever and distinct - love that! I like that I can see the eagle silhouette. Also we prefer the non-black color you appear to be using - its got more of a camping vibe than the solid black (warm greys?).
I am excited to see how you are moving this toward what we hope this to become.
My only comment on your top-ranking entry is to lose just a little of the weathering around the window so it can stand out more in the small artwork... like add in some grey to color over a few white specks near the window as my only feedback on yours is concern over the detail / complexity.
#124 - interesting - our property is on a lake an that additiona of a horizontal line infers that - looks nice. We are not a fan of brown color, Looking for simple image.
Wanted to share team feedback - preference remains on visual #69. Its the lettering you propose that we feel has multiple applications as a logo mark. Our team has asked for you to work with this image only. There is a desire to see this on one line, not 2:
1. Take the word HARVEST and move it up next to the word CAMP - leave the artwork to the left. 2. Fill in a few white specks around the window so it pops out more visually. 2. Then show us this version without the sun; and then another without the eagle (our attempt to simplify the image)
#136 - please simplify further - remove the far tree on the left, and reduce overall art size so its just slightly taller than the text it sits next to. Looking good!
We also prefer the solid color yellow-gold should we select one with the sun, over the gradients as another means of simplifying.
# 153 looks best with bottom alignment - we like this treatment over #155 where you are raising up text. With #153 can you add/incorporate some sort of small cabinish same color rectangle to surround/ground the existing window so when viewed larger it doesn't appear like the window is just sitting in the trees... We don't necessarily want to see a cabin or building outline, just eliminate the perception that the window is floating in the trees. Then possibly try shrinking the art image like 10% and again bottom align it with the existing text size. So its just slightly smaller relative than what you had in #153 - without shrinking the text size.
You then provide us with a great alternative to a stacked logo - which is very nice by the way, just more limiting in application.
That recent logo with the circle to the left is interesting - we don't need to see the letter though - what about something VERY similar (trees& a cabin) without a letter reference in the circle? And don't add an eagle. We like the trees and cabin/window concept you have running.