I was thinking more of a traditional "A Frame" Ladder...the kind you would use to change a light bulb. Maybe even incorporate the ladder as the letter A in the name?
Can you have the man changing the light bulb reach with one arm in the air instead of two? More like the image from bluberri? And maybe move the man a little lower down the ladder so that the top of the ladder is visible?
On Entry # 11...can you have the man standing on the side of the ladder *(where the rungs would be) and only have one cross bar visible on the ladder (more like the letter "A")
Thanks for all your feedbacks to my design. I appreciate it.
I like #56 or #57 best because I think both of logo can representate what you want about the figure held a light bulb in the ladder as well as the company name still can readable clearly. IMHO.
One last change please...can I see # 56 where the "A" looks more like a ladder? Maybe make that one letter Black or a darker color? Thanks!
We're getting close...just want to fine tune it...
Also, after we pick the winner does that mean that we can not ever make any changes to the logo? If we want to add the phone # or a slogan in the future is that something you could do?